Why a Christian Church Should Conduct a Church Assessment

Are you in church leadership—either as a pastor, as a member of an elder board, or in some other position of leadership? When was the last time you checked in with your congregation as a whole to see how effectively you are serving them, or to see if their beliefs are in line with what your church teaches?

Even if it seems like your church is in a good place—with involved members, gifted leadership in place, and effective discipleship and outreach programs—it would be wise to survey your congregation on occasion. At the very least, it will show your congregation that you value their input and are actively looking for ways to improve in areas that may be lacking. But it may also reveal some issues that you didn’t know were there. For example, you may discover that church attendees don’t have as solid of a grasp on essential theology as you thought, or you may find out that many in your congregation don’t have a strong sense of belonging.

If you look, it’s easy to find various church health assessments online, but if the survey isn’t effective in really evaluating a congregation, doing it will be a waste of time. You want to use a church survey that will give you insightful and useful results.

An Effective Church Assessment at an Affordable Price

VitalChurch Ministry, a nonprofit organization dedicated to church revitalization, has developed an online church assessment, which they call their “Church Vitality Survey.” According to the VitalChurch Ministry website, “The Church Vitality Survey provides your church leadership with data that will reveal your church’s current level of effectiveness and identify opportunities for increasing vitality.”

VitalChurch Ministry has been a leader in the area of church diagnostics for more than 20 years. They have worked with many churches across the country, conducting in-person and online assessments. Their Church Vitality Survey is made up of a curated list of questions that will give church leaders a well-rounded understanding of their church’s current reality.

Once the survey is anonymously completed by a congregation, church leaders will be presented with a summary analysis for each question contained in the survey. In addition, they will be given a report that breaks down the survey results and provides some analysis. Finally, church leaders will be given the opportunity to schedule a follow-up call with members of the VitalChurch Diagnostic Division, who will offer some thoughts on how the church should move forward, based on the data from the survey.

In-Depth Church Assessments for Churches in Transition or Crisis

If an online survey doesn’t sound like it would be sufficient for your church, VitalChurch Ministry also offers more in-depth church assessments. They have what they call a “Comprehensive Ministry Assessment,” that includes not only a customized survey, but also in-person interviews with church leaders and key volunteers. At the end of the assessment, the VitalChurchDiagnostic Team presents the church with an in-person report, followed by a comprehensive written report. According to VitalChurch Ministry, “If your church is in any sort of major leadership transition or is experiencing recurring issues, it is worth the time, money, and energy to do a [Comprehensive Ministry Assessment].”

The reports will identify a church’s strengths, as well as areas that need immediate attention. Specific recommendations will also be given for addressing areas of concern. If, after going through the church assessment process, it is determined that your church needs some outside help, VitalChurch Ministry is able to offer additional help through coaching or by bringing in an interim pastor.

Visit the VitalChurch Ministry website for more information on their services.